Typhoon Report
AD Number : 216 2020-03-19

Master’s Degree Program of International Affairs - Nurturing Elites of International Affairs with Both Global Perspectives & Human Concerns

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan University Credit and Degrees, Master’s Degree Program of International Affairs - Nurturing Elites of International Affairs with Both Global Perspectives & Human Concerns image
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Region Southern Taiwan 南台灣
Name of Institue or School Wenzao Ursuine University of Languages
Text of Ad

Due to globalization and global governance, the traditional role of nation states in developing substantial relationships among nations is becoming subdued. In their stead, trade, cultural exchange, and other activities by all levels of public and private actors are becoming increasingly important. The main goal of this degree program is to train professionals who can manage these issues of international affairs in an immersive English-language environment. This curriculum prepares students to become elites of international affairs who have a global perspective and humanitarian concerns.

Characteristics of the Curriculum
■ Exploring issues of the international political economy from the macro-perspective of globalization
■ Focusing on practical operations at the managerial levels of multinational corporations
■ Emphasizing the integrated development of the international economy and hands-on experiences in foreign-related tasks
■ Providing whole-English learning environment
■ Providing various international exchange opportunities:
1. Short-term study in foreign universities associated with Wenzao
2. “1+1 mode” (1-yearstudying in Taiwan & 1-year studying in a foreign university):
We have established a dual-degree program with Fort Hays State University in the USA and Lumière Lyon 2 University in France. Students may receive two M.A. degrees upon their graduation.

Curriculum Design
The curriculum includes required core courses and elective courses.
■ Core courses: to establish a solid research foundation of international studies
■ Elective courses:
- Interdisciplinary courses: to understand the diverse nature of international environment & to foster humanitarian concerns
- Courses of management of international business: to nurture competency of business management and international negotiation
Required credits for graduation:
39 credits ( 15 core credits and 24 elective credits)

The Faculty
The faculty of the degree program is from:
■ The Department of International Affairs
■ The Department of International Business
■ The Graduate Institute of International Business and Intercultural Management
■ The Department of Translation and Interpreting
■ The Department of English
■ The Department of German
■ Graduate Institute of European Studies
All are highly-qualified and experienced professionals in their fields. Every year, visiting scholars and experts are also invited to join the faculty.

Prospects for Students
This degree program, with its whole-English learing environment and practicum-oriented courses in various issues of international affairs, positions its graduates to the exact needs of the public and private sectors. Graduates could work at all levels of government such as:
■ Large-scale multinational corporations
■ Foreign-related business
■ Small- to medium-sized business
■ International organizations
■ Non-profits organizations
■ Religious organizations
The professional needed for foreign-related tasks are normally those who can adapt to the changing nature of globalization and not those who have doctoral or highly-specialized skills.

Admissions for our Fall 2020 intake are now officially open on a first-come-first-served basis!
Deadline: 14 April,2020
No written entrance exam required.

Any question, please e-mail to [email protected]

Here is what our graduated students think of the life here with us:
More than half of our students have a scholarship, do apply, many opportunities!

YouTube Video
Number of Students 5-10
Type of Classes Offered Customized to Your Schedule
Part-time Class Schedule
FULL-time Class Schedule
Classes Begin

Sep 2020

Location Kaohsiung City 高雄市