AD Number : 35145 2018-04-03

Flat screen TV + bookcase combo cabinet in great condition

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan General Merchandise ; 拍賣, Flat screen TV + bookcase combo cabinet in great condition image
image 1 of 3
Price in NT$ 3000
Text of Ad

2 bookcases w60 x h193 x d40 cm that can either stand alone, or be attached to the central TV cabinet as described below.

1 Flat screen TV cabinet w120 x h193 x d40cm. The TV area is w105 x h65, so make sure your TV isn't bigger than this.

The three photos show respectively,
1) All three cabinets combined.
2) Semi-disassembled, all parts labelled for easy reassemble.
3) Price 3000NT. This piece of furniture is in good condition. The owner is moving back to America hence selling it at a very low price.
4) Buyer needs to pick it up with a small truck that can fit the disassembled pile of 80 X 150 X 193cm.

This TV bookcase combo is at Hsinju City Mei-Ju Community by NCTU (交通大學旁梅竹山莊)

Name fchair
Location Hsinchu City 新竹市