Looking for Mandarin tutor to practice listening and speaking
Preferred Class Times
Monday Morning Afternoon Evening
Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening
Friday Morning Afternoon Evening
Hello tutors,
Here in Taiwan to learn Chinese, I have been working through textbooks on my own and am now in need of some conversational practice. I'm an American and work as a software engineer. In addition to my native English, I speak German fluently and have varying abilities in a few other other languages.
I am looking to develop confidence and ease in forming sentences with the words and structures that I know, and to improve my auditory comprehension. Looking also to increase my vocabulary, learn new expressions, and gain insight into Chinese/Taiwanese culture.
Chinese Tutor Wanted
中 |
台北市 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |
初 |
台北市 |
聽,說 |
初 |
台南市 |
聽,說 |
初 |
桃園市 |
聽,說 |
中 |
台北市 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |