Chinese tutor wanted in Kaohsiung for 1-2-1 classes
Preferred Class Times
Monday Morning Afternoon Evening
Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening
Friday Morning Afternoon Evening
Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening
I have 188 class contact hours from NSYSU and want to continue reading/listening/speaking Chinese, face-to- face on a one-to-one basis for six hours a week (e.g. two hours, three times a week) for a month, maybe more. I want a tutor who is qualified to teach Chinese and has teaching experience at an institution. I **think** I am at elementary level - somewhere between A2 and A3 - although I am happy to be corrected on this. I can provide my own textbook or the tutor can. I have not studied zhuyin but am open to it. Postal code is 804.
Chinese Tutor Wanted
初 |
台北市 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |
中 |
台北市 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |
中 |
台北市 |
聽,說 |
初 |
台北市 |
讀,聽,說 |
中 |
新北市 |
聽,說 |