Experienced Teacher Looking for Work Beginning Next Semester
Willing to relocate? 願 搬 遷:
Country You are From: NewZealand
Are You in Taiwan Now: Yes
What's your current location:
Prefer Full or Part-Time: Combination: Some Mornings, Afternoons & Evenings
If Part-time, when:
I am an experienced english teacher with a B.A. honours degree in Anthropology. I taught all ages in Korea for a year and have recently returned after teaching kindergarten in Taiwan (Taichung) for a year. I would like to work in Taichung again beginning next sememster (September - starting in August is also possible). I am planning to live in Taiwan for a long time. I have a lot of experience and am very good at teaching phonics and reading. I am a fun and energetic teacher who loves working with young children. I would consider work at both kindergarten and elementary levels. Please be sure to contact me if you have a position available. Thankyou.