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Chinese Literature Bachelor’s NTU Degree Taiwan International Student 國立臺灣大學

Ivy League

National Taiwan University is considered the Harvard of Taiwan. Students enrolling are getting an elite education. However, the state keeps university fees significantly lower than comparable universities around the world. If you are enrolling from overseas you’ll be getting an elite-level education a fraction of what it would cost in the west. Even more attractive is the very generous tuition arrangements overseas students enjoy. More than 80% of all students enrolling from abroad get scholarships, and most of these are getting stipends as well to help take care of living costs while studying.

Bachelor’s Degree Program in Chinese Literature for International Students

As of 2008 NTU has established a Bachelor's Degree Program in Chinese Literature for International Students. With a faculty of 51 leading language instructors, the program has been designed to offer a comprehensive course of study covering the classics, philology, research materials, academic thought, classical literature, modern literature, aesthetics and linguistics.

The Best Place to Study Chinese

Dr. Huang Yi-Jen 黃奕珍博士 , Director of the NTU Language Center and professor in the Department of Chinese Literature, said that the dynamic and open nature of Taiwan’s society make it the best learning environment for overseas students to study Chinese. Professors are interested in the students’ ideas, as well as their performance. Classes stress the latest leaning methods over rote memorization. The Language Center at National Taiwan University enrolls numerous transfer students from around the world every year for this very reason.

Most Up-to-Date Curriculum

Most general Chinese curricula for non-native speakers in use today are at least a decade old, or older - leaving them largely absent of the terms students need today, and devoid of the latest teaching methodologies, and media resources. Cui-Ying Lu 盧翠英, Instructor in the Chinese Language Division at NTU Language has completely re-built the NTU curriculum from the ground up, to provide a practical curriculum that meets contemporary needs of non-native speakers and makes use of the latest materials and media.

Small Class Sizes

Among the most beneficial aspects of the program is the class size. The Chinese Language Division, Language Center, National Taiwan University國立台灣大學文學院語文中心caps class sizes at between 4 to 6 students for all levels of students. In addition to small class sizes, individual tutorials are available at every level. Head of Chinese Language Division, NTU Language Center Associate Prof. Chao Fei-Pang 趙飛鵬博士 said that providing small-sized classes has been integral to the long-term success in teaching non-native speakers the program has enjoyed, and reflects both the university’s investment and commitment to the program.

NTU 國立臺灣大學
NTU's Logo

Course Structure

The Bachelor's Degree Program in Chinese Literature for International Students is a 4-year program admitting 20 students each year. According to the course materials, the three guiding principles of the program are:

  1. Language Study: The program seeks to provide language training to reach aural and oral fluency as well as a high level of literacy and writing ability.
  2. Literary Knowledge: The curriculum moves from modern to classical literary study and use chronologically ordered literature anthologies to reveal Chinese literary style.
  3. Cultural Exploration: From a basic overview through Ancient Culture.


128 Credits to Graduate

General Required Courses 12 credits
General Courses 18 credits
Required Courses for Department 72 credits
Elective Courses 26 credits (all least one half of these courses must be offered by the department)

Required Classes

78 Credits

First Year Modern Chinese and Composition 1 4/4
Introduction to Chinese Culture 2/2
Chinese Linguistics 2/2
Introduction to Chinese Characters (Includes Calligraphy) 2/2
Second Year Modern Chinese and Composition 2 4/4
Classical Chinese and Composition 1 (Introductory Classical) 4/4
History of Chinese Literature 1 2/2
General Chinese History and Geography 2/2
Third Year Modern Chinese and Composition 3 4/4
Classical Chinese and Composition 2 4/4
Chinese History and Geography 2 2/2
Chinese Relics and Customs 2/2
Fourth Year Comparative Cultures 2/2


  1. "Modern Chinese and Composition" is required for three years. Rigorous training in reading and composition (including prose, novel/fictional literature, poetry, media, news, etc.).
  2. "Introduction to Chinese Culture" will introduce Chinese culture in a relatively simple way and help students understand Chinese culture as well as adjust to life in Taiwan.
  3. "Chinese Linguistics" will instruct students in basic Chinese linguistics to help them in their study of Chinese.
  4. "Introduction to Chinese Characters" will instruct students in the basic structures and usage of Chinese characters and will be different than the classes attended by Taiwanese students. Besides offering a cursory explanation of theory, this class will place more emphasis on knowledge of the usage and writing of Chinese characters. Calligraphy will also be offered.
  5. "Classical Chinese and Composition" will be taken for two years starting in the student's second or third year in the program. The course will use reading comprehension and practice materials (including matching words, matching sentences, interchanging words of similar meaning, and simple classical grammar practice).
  6. Students will take "History of Chinese Literature" for two years to gain an understanding of the whole scope of Chinese literature and history.
  7. "General Chinese History and Geography" and "Chinese Relics and Customs" will use written and visual materials as well as fieldtrips to give students a full picture of China.
  8. "Comparative Cultures" will compare Chinese culture with the cultures of other regions and countries in order to develop a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.
  9. After students' third or fourth years in the program, if they feel the need to take classes with Taiwanese students, they can attend courses offered through the Department of Chinese Literature.
  10. Other than courses offered by the Department of Chinese Literature, students can also take courses offered by other departments. However, elective courses taken through other departments cannot exceed one half of the total number of elective course.

Elective Courses

Classics Shi Jing(詩經)、Shang Shu(尚書)、Book of Changes(周易)、Li Ji(禮記)、Zuo Zhuan(左傳)
History Shi Ji(史記)、Han Shu(漢書)、Chinese Bibliographical Studies(目錄學)、Studies of Historical Editions(版本學)
Intellectual History Four Books(四書)、Mo Zi(墨子)、Lao Zi(老子)、Zhuang Zi(莊子)、Xun Zi(荀子)、Han Fei Zi(韓非子)、Huainan Zi(淮南子)、Shishuo Xinyu(世說新語)、Chuanxi Lu(傳習錄)
Classical Chinese Literature Chu Ci(楚辭)、Zhaoming Wenxuan(昭明文選)、Poetry of Tao Qian and Xie Lingyun(陶謝詩)、Poetry of Du Fu(杜甫詩)、Readings in Li Bai Poetry(李白詩)、Poetry of Li Shangyin(李商隱詩)、Selected Readings in Poetry of Song Dynasty(宋詩選讀)、Ci of Su Shi And Xin Qiji(蘇辛詞)、Dream of the Red Chamber(紅樓夢)、Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三國演義)、Journey to the West(西遊記)、Wenxin Diaolong(文心雕龍)、Chinese Garden Literature(園林文學)、Mythology and Popular Literature(神話與大眾文學)
Modern Chinese Literature Readings in Modern Chinese Prose(現代散文)、Readings in Modern Chinese Fiction(現代小說)、Chinese Modern Poetry(現代詩)



Application Process: Required Materials
Language Proficiency
Minimum Chinese proficiency: HSK score level 7 or TOP score level 4. Applicants may also submit other test reports which certify an equivalent level of proficiency.

Apart from NTU application regulations, the Department of Chinese Literature has the following additional requirements:
1. All the following documents and materials must be submitted by March 14, 2008, to the Office of International Affairs at NTU:
(1) Two letters of recommendation
(2) High school transcript and class rank verification (a Chinese or English translation is also required)
(3) Autobiography in Chinese
(4) Study plan in Chinese
(5) Certificate of Chinese language proficiency test: An HSK score of at least level 7 or TOP score level 4 (or an equivalent level from other tests) is required.
(6) Xeroxed copies of supplemental documents and materials which may help the university to evaluate the applicant’s Chinese proficiency. These can be Chinese writing samples (including academic papers, term papers, and creative writing) or records of honors and awards.
2. The department may also admit non-degree students. Requirements for non-degree students are as follows:
(1) Non-degree students are limited to a year of study within the program.
(2) Non-degree students attending the Bachelor's Degree Program in Chinese Literature for International Students cannot attend classes amounting to more than ten credits a semester.
(3) The credits non-degree students complete in their time within the program can be verified with certified documentation issued by the school; if, at a later date, the student is accepted into the Bachelor's Degree Program in Chinese Literature for International Students as a degree candidate, credits already completed will be counted toward completion of the program.

For more detailed information on the application process and the online application system, please refer to the following website: (Select "International Students" and then "Degree Student Admission")



Contact Information

For more information please contact Office of International Affairs
Tel: +886-2-33662007 ext. 212
Email: [email protected]