AD Number : 4411 2021-10-26

Looking for Mandarin tutor or class near Xinpu station

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan Tutors of Chinese Wanted  華語教學工作機會, Looking for Mandarin tutor or class near Xinpu station image
image 1 of 1
Mandarin Ability None

Preferred Class Times

Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Skills to Cover Listening,Speaking
I am a Native Speaker of English
Nationality USA
Degree Required Bachelors
Text of Ad

I've been in Taiwan for over a year but have not had a chance to study Mandarin until now. I'm looking for an in-person tutor or class around Xinpu station or the Banqiao area. I'm hoping to have lessons or classes about three times per week. Weekday afternoons are best but I can be flexible as far as day or time. I'm mostly interested in listening and speaking. It would be great to start right away!

Age Level of Student Adult
Number of Students 1
Name Hilary B
Location New Taipei City 新北市
District Banqiao District