AD Number : 179 2010-08-05

Tutor wanted - interviews and recruitment

Mandarin Ability Good

Preferred Class Times

Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Skills to Cover Speaking
I am a Native Speaker of
Degree Required Bachelors
Text of Ad

I am looking for a tutor for a couple of sessions on making enquiries about jobs. I need to be able to call a company, and find out the contact details of the HR department and answer any related questions in Chinese.

I need a couple of very focused sessions from someone with commercial experience.

I have been learning Chinese for a total of ten years, six of those years in China.

Age Level of Student Adult
Number of Students 1
Name Ed Hiller
Location Taipei City 台北市
District DaAn