AD Number : 3832

Happy learning

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan Tutors of Chinese Available ; 華語教師、華語家教, Happy learning image
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Full Name Evon
Your Location Hsinchu City 新竹市
Languages You Can Tutor Mandarin,Hakka
Language Skills You Can Teach

Reading,Listening,Speaking,Pronunciation,Conversation,Homework Help,Newspapers & Magazine Reading

Your Mandarin Ability Native Speaker
Your English Ablility Intermediate
Languages You are a Native Speaker of Mandarin,Hakka
Years of Tutoring Experience 1
Certificates I hold or Tests I have passed
Describe your Certificates or Tests Scores


If Other Certificate Please Write English & Chinese Name
Type of Classes You Prefer Face to Face,Chatroom Tutoring,Webcam Tutoring
Location You Prefer to Tutor Chatroom Tutoring,Webcam Tutoring,Shilin, Beitou, Tienmu, Northern Taipei City,Zhongzheng, Wenshan, Muzha, Southern Taipei City,Da-an, Xinyi, Central Taipei City,Datong, Wanhua, Zhongshan, Western Taipei City,Songshan, Neihu, Nangang, Eastern Taipei City,Banqiao, Xinzhuang, Sanchong, Luzhou, Western Taipei County,Guishan, Taoyuan City, Northern Taoyuan County,Zhongli, Pingzhen, Yangmei, Southern Taoyuan County,Hsinchu County,Hsinchu City,Miaoli
Offer One-hour Introductory Class Free No
Highest Hourly Pay NT$ 1,000
Lowest Hourly Pay NT$ 500


Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Other Schedule you prefer
Your Nationality Taiwan
Highest Educational Level Achieved Bachelors Degree
Highest Educational Level Achieved in Taiwan
Highest Educational Level Major Management
Highest Educational Level institution Name Asia-Pacific Institute of Creativity
I Received my Bachelor's Degree in Taiwan
Bachelor's Degree Major
Bachelor's Degree Institution Name Asia-Pacific Institute of Creativity
Describe Yourself, Your Tutoring Experience & Approach (300 characters)

My name is Wu Wan-Ju.
I hold the following certificates TCSOL, EDI and TCYL.
I am qualified to teach both Traditional and Simplified Chinese. My ethos is "the one who practices, learns".
In my class I use interactive teaching methods and lots of interesting drills to enable students to learn and improve their knowledge and skills of the language in a much more interesting and fun loving fashion . Gradually the student will grasp a deeper understanding of probably one of the most interesting languages in the world today and finally will not only be able to listen but also to speak, read and write this language.
I will be only to please to answer any questions that you may have concerning the learning of Mandarin

Currently I am a(an) Bushiban Teacher,Full-Time Tutor
Are you in Taiwan Yes
If you're Not in Taiwan, Month You will Arrive
Discount for Additional Students Yes
Your Gender Female;女
Your Age 39
Postal Zone