AD Number : 5429 2017-04-18

Full-Time Tutor USA

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan Tutors ; 外籍家教、語言家教, Full-Time Tutor USA image
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Your Nationality USA
Highest Educational Level Achieved Bachelors Degree
Highest Educational Level Achieved in USA
Highest Educational Level Major Education
Highest Educational Level institution Name Texas Woman's University
Bachelor's Degree Achieved in USA
Bachelor's Degree Major Education
Bachelor's Degree Institution Name Texas Woman's University
Your Mandarin Ability Beginner
Your English Ablility Native Speaker
Languages You Can Tutor English
Languages You are a Native Speaker of English
Language Abilities You Can Tutor Reading,Writing,Listening,Speaking,Pronunciation,Conversation,Newspapers & Magazine Reading,Email Compose / Reply,Oral or Written Presentation,Essay Writing
Certificates or Tests your have taught before
Certificates I hold or Tests I have passed
Describe your Certificates or Tests Scores
Years of Tutoring Experience 5
Headline of Your Ad (10 characters) Full-Time Tutor USA

Describe Yourself, Your Tutoring Experience & Approach (300 characters)

I believe that communication is successful when meaning is understood. Language does not have to be perfect. The most important thing about learning is making mistakes. No one should be afraid to make mistakes because they are learning opportunities. Learning is like holding a mirror to ourselves. Most people see fear and self-doubt, but the real learner sees more: an opportunity to succeed. It is a teacher’s job to help the student face their fears and win. Humans are always looking for greatness in other humans. A teacher helps a student to see the power in themselves.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in teaching English, and I have a certificate for teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). I am an experienced ESL teacher. I have taught in Taiwanese private schools for 5 years. I have experience teaching adults, high school students, and middle school students. I like to make learning fun by playing games, laughing, and reminding students that the point of communication is not saying things perfectly. I help students to build confidence in themselves by reminding them it is OK to make mistakes and mistakes are good things.


Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Other Schedule you prefer
Type of Classes You Prefer Face to Face
Lowest Hourly Pay NT$ 600
Highest Hourly Pay NT$ 1,500+
Discount for Additional Students Yes
Offer One-hour Introductory Class Free Negotiable
Currently Available for Substitute Teaching Positions Not At This Time
Location You Prefer to Tutor Da-an, Xinyi, Central Taipei City,Zhonghe, Yonghe, Xindian, Central Taipei County
Currently I am a(an) Full-Time Tutor
Are you in Taiwan Yes
If you're Not in Taiwan, Month You will Arrive
Your Gender Male;男
Your Age 37
Your Location New Taipei City 新北市
Postal Zone 231