AD Number : 33214 2014-10-18

Assorted Furniture

 [email protected]


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I've got some furniture I bought for an old house that doesn't really fit my new place that I'd like to sell. It's all good quality stuff. For details, read below. Tealit isn't letting me upload pics, so if you're interested, email me and I'll send 'em out:

Wardrobe -

Narrow space-saving wood frame wardrobe, with doors. NT$1,000 plus you arrange pick-up.

Vanity desk -

Hidden space behind mirror, heavy wood, great quality, but a little scuffed. Color matches wardrobe. NT$1,000 plus you arrange pick-up.

Kitchen or study bookshelf -

Heavy wood, doors on bottom, very good quality, tall and deep, so it stores a lot. NT$1,500 plus you arrange pick up.

Couch -

Small, imported Japanese couch, very awesome and stylish. Great for tiny apartments, or bedrooms, has hidden storage space below, and pockets on the arms where you can hide remotes. NT$4,000 plus you arrange pick-up.

Name Thomas
Location Taipei City 台北市
District Shilin