AD Number : 64580 2016-10-16

Want to find a language partner!

Nationality Taiwan
Category Language Exchange;語言交換
Aim Language Exchange
Age 23
English Ability Fluent
Mandarin Ability Native Speaker
Marital Status
Race / Ethnicity
Body Type
Social Drinker?
Have Children?

Text of Ad

Ahoj! I am Emily (Taiwanese) and now I just graduated from university and work in Taipei. I was study in Czech Republic and know a little basic of Czech language. Now I came back but still want to improve my Czech language, and I will need it on my job in the future as well. If you can practice Czech language with me, please leave me messages, by the way, I can practice Chinese or English with you! 😊 For example, few hours a week on weekends! Děkují!
mail:[email protected]

Name Emily
Location Taipei City 台北市