AD Number : 64579 2016-10-15

French exchange partner in need!

Nationality Taiwan
Category Language Exchange;語言交換
Aim Language Exchange
Age 25
English Ability Fluent
Mandarin Ability Native Speaker
Marital Status Single
Race / Ethnicity Chinese
Body Type
Smoker? No
Social Drinker? Yes
Have Children? No

Text of Ad

Hello there,
I am Annie, a Taiwanese girl who would like to improve her French, which is about A2 level, can do easy conversation.
I am also interested in movies, traveling, theatre, and willing to be an occasional tour guide around Taipei city. Also been to Belgium as an exchange student for half a year, while learning French and traveling around Europe (including visiting France).
If you're also interested in these topics, please feel free to contact me by email: [email protected]; or by Line:beselfonly

Name Martine Yang
Location Taipei City 台北市